Monday, August 26, 2013

Let's get it started...with a major haircut!

Let's get it started...and yes girls, that was a popular song in ole 2004, before both of you were born, by a group called the Black Eyed Peas, and of course you will ask me in the future, why would any band be named after a vegetable, to which I will have no answer.  But back to the song...let's get it started.  That's the theme for this week.

After an emotional roller coaster last week waiting on PET scan results, we found out the cancer is only in the breast and lymph nodes.  WooHoo!  I have never been so excited and relieved to have cancer (in only one place) in my life!  But please know girls, this was absolutely God's work at answering tons of prayers on our behalf.  As I have told you before, God knows Mommy's path start to finish and we are whole-heartily trusting in him for complete healing.

So now that we know the cancer has not spread, it was time to finalize the treatment plan.  Mommy will have chemo first (yucky medicine that is going to make me sick to make me better...and don't worry, even Mommy and Daddy don't understand it), then surgery (which will discuss in private in the future...if you know what I mean), then radiation (like the sun shining really bright on one spot to zap all that cancer away).  Mommy will need eight rounds of chemo--once every two weeks for two months, then once every three weeks for three months.  And it all begins THIS THURSDAY!  As you'll learn in your social media future, typing in all caps makes something seem really BIG and really REAL!  As with anything I do for the first time, Mommy is a little nervous because I don't know what to expect.  But once we get a couple of rounds under our belts, we will be old pros at this!

So to prepare for CHEMO THURSDAY (kind of dramatic don't you think?) and to embrace my ALL IN spirit, I did what I would have never done without having cancer.  I cut off all my hair.  And I mean, I cut off all my hair.  See this crazy long, hadn't done anything all summer because of the humidity, wear in pony tail almost every day, hair.  Taylor, I hope you will remember going with me, taking pictures and documenting the journey for me, and telling me at one point ''you like like Justin Beiber''.  I know I was so glad you were there with me for moral support...and of course, for comic relief too!  And I must say a huge thank you to my dear friend Holly, for the sweet present she left at the salon to calm my nerves!  And to my sweet, precious friend Jenny, who paid for my services without me knowing.  I have overwhelmed by you girls' (and so many countless others) generosity during this time!

I was able to donate my pre-chemo hair to Pantene to assist in making future wigs...and that totally rocked!!

And the big reveal............

Not too shabby if I do say so myself.  Gonna take a little time to get used to, but considering I will be losing my hair in about two-three weeks, I better become friends with it quick.  I must say, today's experience made this journey the most REAL so far.  But, I was overcome with calmness and love and peace and understanding while sitting in the salon chair today, preparing to lose all of what many women equate beauty to--our hair.  And I was looking in the mirror, I really--for the first time in a long time--saw my inner beauty shine through.  Although your Daddy and I see that in you girls everyday, my prayer for you both is that you will never equate beauty with outward appearances--hair, makeup, skin, heck--even breasts--but with the inner beauty that resides in your heart, your mind, and your soul.  The beauty that God placed there when making you in his image.  It has taken me almost 34 1/2 years AND a cancer diagnosis to see my inner beauty...and I must say, ''I'm one hot momma''!!

I love you mostest--Brooke

1 comment:

  1. You look just wonderful and be just as beautiful in a few weeks. Remember that. You have the right frame of mind and will do well. It is a hard journey and will come out of this with flying colors. Remember to keep your faith and know that there are always others praying for you that you don't even know, one of them being me. I have been there and know what you will be going through and will be praying for you as you embark on your journey Thursday and in the coming weeks and months. Please join a group so that you will have women who have experienced what you have and will be going through it is very important for you to have someone to talk to. There will times you will have emotions you will not understand and it is comforting to know that others have also experienced the same emotions. I will remember you in my prayers and will ask Mandy about you often. Good Luck and be STRONG, KEEP YOUR FAITH, AND FIGHT. YOU ARE WORTH IT !
